Tram Tycoon - Deutsch

by Sunlight Games GmbH


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Probier mal etwas Neues! Werde Manager eine öffentlichen Verkehrssystems und übe dich in diesem auße...

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Probier mal etwas Neues! Werde Manager eine öffentlichen Verkehrssystems und übe dich in diesem außergewöhnlichen und zeitkritischen Strategiespiel. Spiele durch die Geschichte von 1960 bis 2020, kaufe verschiedene Trams, rüste die Haltestellen auf und finde die beste Strategie um schnell alle Trophäen zu ergattern.Die Bürger erwarten gemütliche Trams, und was noch wichtig ist: Lass sie kein Taxi rufen! Jede Tram hat eine gewisse Kapazität, Preis und Erfahrungspunkte für jeden transportierten Passagier. Die Stadt ändert sich mit jedem Szenario und daran musst du auch deine Strategie anpassen. Sei ein schlauer Direktor und organisiere die Tram deine Imperium weise.
Hast du es satt, endlose Tabellen beim betrachten deines virtuellen Unternehmens zu betrachten? Dieser Simulator ist einfach zu bedienen, die Einführung ist kurz und clever, damit du bereits in den ersten Momenten Erfolge feiern kannst.
Die Zeit läuft! Wecke die Fahrer, macht das Licht in allen Fahrzeugen an und stell sie auf die Gleise! Hol dir das Spiel und transportier sie alle!
ENGLISH STRATEGY TIPS:- UNDERSTANDING THE CITYFrom the very first moment of the level you should watch the buildings! The taller building you are looking at, the bigger potential it has! Taller buildings offer more passengers. So your first tram line should be going through these huge buildings!
- PEOPLE UNDERSTANDINGCitizens want to be transported! Anyhow. If there is no line created by your company, they will choose a taxi. And this is the point! Each passenger gives you the XP you need for the trophies and winning each level! Taxi on the board means you have lost 20 passengers! A lot of XP! Like the previous paragraph said: a bigger building equals more passengers.
- XP UNDERSTANDINGEach tram gives you a specific number of XP for each transported passenger. Think about it, deeply. When you buy a tram with 7 XP and you loose 20 passengers (1 person on the board), it means 140 XP. Try not to lose too much XP.
- CHOOSING CORRECT STARTING LINEAs stated you should explore the city at the beginning. Start your first line on the place where there are a lot of bigger buildings! Bigger buildings mean a lot of potencial lost passengers (stolen by the taxi). This is really important to think about!
- CHOOSING CORRECT VEHICLEAre you purchasing the trams without thinking about their price and capacity? This is crucial. XP is not everything in the very first moments! You have probably bought the best possible tram at the beginning (because you want as much XP as possible) but your station capacity is only 20 passengers (without upgrades). This is the issue! A tram with huge capacity is useless when you don´t upgrade the stations (it serves 20 more people per each upgrade). So where is the point? You will be doing well with tram with small capacity and price at the beginning. Small XP earnings are not important in the beginning! First of all you need money for better trams in the near future! You can earn a lot of money with cheaper trams in the beginning! That´s why cash is important! Buy better trams after some time. Expensive trams with huge capacity make sense only if you can serve a bigger number of passengers at the stations! Always think about the ratio between the capacity of a station and the capacity of a tram! A wrong strategy can consupt your money and then your XP by the taxis!
- UPGRADING THE STATIONSThis paragraph is linked to previous. Imagine you have bought a tram with a small capacity. So there is no sense to upgrade the stations to their maximum while you are saving money for better trams! Station upgrades are expensive! Upgrade the stations after buying a new tram. Immediately, if possible.
- SELLING OLD TRAMSThe best strategy is to sell your trams after they have reached their final station. Let the trams serve all passengers on their line. Then sell them before reaching their depot when an accident occurs.